Saturday, March 3, 2012

Being Mom

I never thought I'd enjoy being  mom as much as I do.  I wasn't one of those, oh maybe we'll have kids type.  "When?" was the question we had for a number of years.  However, I always knew I wanted to become a mother. Old classmates and co-workers alike know I love to cook and that baking actually relaxes me.  I emulated my own mom long before I had kids of my own with little cousins, nieces, and nephews.  Being mom-like to stay behind with a semi-passed out girl even paid off one time when it simultaneously got me out of going to "the club where strippers go to die" - sounds charming, right?  Mind you, I didn't know a strip club trip was in the works, and boy would I have been mad...but I digress.

Now the part of being mom I did not anticipate, was the shear joy my daughter brings to me.   That when I can not sleep at night, I need only think of her.  Critical work projects, a messy house, travel plans that are not yet made but really need to be, nope,  NOTHING can keep me up when I get that gorgeous smile to the front of my mind.    True, sometimes those things will wake me up, but dozing off again is easy too when I think of my daughter, "L".    

[Sleep is very important to me. I become a bit of a nightmare to others without it.]

Today was lovely.  My dear husband, "F", let me sleep in and my sweet daughter gave me her wide eyed grin when I finally got up.  I spent the first part of the day baking a blueberry buckle coffee cake and the next part feasting on it with some JJ's in hand.  While F got to work installing some safety gear on the chemical containing cupboards, L and I played in her room.   Play time was also my clean-up time and  I'm proud to say she now has an organized closet, dresser, and yes you can see the floor again.  

[Ah. if only our room looked half as nice!]

As F headed off to work, L (being the perfect daughter she is) gave me a break by taking a now rare afternoon nap.  After trying to get "work work" done for a bit I found myself yet again on FB and eventually wound up on my friend's blog entropy still works.  Rachael is a working mama turned SHAM then back to industry again.  She's also, I kid you not, my mommy mentor. Even though we're the same age, she's been there done that and had the mental mania way before me, because her kids Noah and Eva rank mine by 3yrs and 1mo respectively.  Something today clicked and wham here I am - also a blogger. I guess it is worth noting that  my comfort level is less than Rachael's, so for now it is me, F and L. Let's see if full names and  pictures of us all migrate here eventually.  Until such time, I will chronicle my cooking/baking in photo form starting with that buckle cake.  Why buckle?  Who knows?  That is what the awesome baking with whole grains cookbook from my awesome MIL called it.  

Post nap, L was active and adorable as always.  She screams when hungry, at clothes/diaper changes, and when clipping her nails (oh the horror!), but rarely much else.  We were supposed to go swimming but F had her suit in his bag, so instead it was a super long bath followed by skype time with the extended family.  A little more play time ,some books, a song, the now memorized recitation of "the going to bed book" and she snuggled into  a sweet little ball curling up around her lamby.  Yup - perfect kid!

Being mom is the best part of being me.

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